Resources 📖
Dictionaries, grammar guides, vocabulary insights, reading materials and other useful resources for studying!
Vocabulary & Kanji
- Bret Mayer's Kanji Resource - Kanji resources for structured practice and lists.
- Genkoyoushi Paper Generator - Create manuscript paper for kanji practice.
- Hinoki Project - Computational linguistics and vocabulary learning.
- Japanese Graph - Practice kanji and vocabulary with visualizations.
- Kanji by Stroke Order - Learn kanji stroke order through writing practice.
- Kanji Practice - Interactive platform for kanji and vocabulary.
- Kanjipedia - Comprehensive kanji dictionary with examples.
- Koohii Kanji Review - Community-driven kanji and vocabulary learning.
- Kotoba no Gakko - Vocabulary acquisition and insights.
- KotobaBot - Chatbot for practicing vocabulary.
- Kotowaza - Learn proverbs and cultural insights.
- Kurumi Kanji Search - Kanji search tool to build vocabulary.
- Mainichi Kanji - Daily kanji practice to build vocabulary.
- Niai - Similar Vocabulary - Explore similar words.
- Nippon Colors - Traditional Japanese color meanings
- OniKanji - Master kanji naturally with context-based learning systeme
- Shared Anki Decks - Anki decks for vocabulary and kanji.
- WaniKani - Learn kanji and vocabulary with mnemonics.
- Wikibooks Linguistics Vocabulary - Vocabulary list for linguistics terms.
- Yomikatawa - Learn vocabulary and kanji readings.
- DeepL Translator - Accurate translations between languages.
- GeekyDic - User-friendly online dictionary.
- Goo Dictionary - Comprehensive dictionary with examples.
- Jisho - Powerful dictionary with detailed explanations.
- Jisho (Hlorenzi) - Alternative Jisho interface with added features.
- Jitenon Kanji Dictionary - Kanji dictionary with detailed character breakdowns.
- JLect - Explore dialects and regional vocabulary.
- Jotoba - Multilingual dictionary with context.
- Kanjisho - Kanji-focused dictionary with readings and stroke order.
- Kotobank - Dictionary aggregator with multiple sources.
- Onomato Project - Explore onomatopoeia with examples.
- PokeJisho - Pokémon-themed dictionary.
- Takoboto - Offline dictionary with kanji lookup.
- Weblio Thesaurus - Find synonyms and related words.
- Yomitan - Translate text on webpages easily.
- DJT Grammar Guide - Extensive guide covering grammar in depth.
- Edewakaru - Detailed explanations of grammar points.
- Guide to Japanese - Your go-to guide for grammar and basics.
- IMABI - Detailed grammar lessons for all levels.
- JLPT Grammar List - Comprehensive list of JLPT grammar points.
- Kanji-Link - Learn grammar and kanji with quizzes.
- Maggie Sensei - Friendly lessons on grammar points.
- Minato JF - Online courses and resources, including grammar lessons.
- Sakubi - Minimalist guide to essential grammar.
- Tanos JLPT Resources - Grammar lists and practice materials for the JLPT.
- Dokusho Club - Reading club for learners.
- Learn Natively - Find books for your reading level.
- Mangaz - Read manga online.
- Master List of Book Clubs - A master list of books going from absolute beginner to advanced learner
- Satori Reader - Read and listen to stories.
- Sōseki Project - A collection of the author Natsume Sōseki's work.
- Tadoku - Free graded readers for learners.
- Yomimono Ippai - Lots of books to read for every level
- YomuJP - Read texts with translations.
- YomuYomu - Read books online.
- Free Japanese Font - Download free fonts.
- Google Sheets JLPT - Comprehensive JLPT study resources.
- Japanese Discord - Join the community for language practice.
- Japanese Wiki - Explore various topics.
- Kaiwa Kai - Practice conversation skills.
- Kuzuri Resources - Collection of useful resources.
- LangPractice - Language practice platform.
- Learn Japanese Reddit - Community for learners.
- Otokake - Music and lyrics resource.
- Rondely English Terms - Glossary of English terms.
- SuperNative - Improve listening skills.
- The Moe Way - An amazing guide with tips
- Unagibun JLPT Online - Online resources for JLPT preparation.